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Bhutan is the only country which has a clause in its Constitution stating that 60% of the total area should be kept under forest cover for all times. It is also the only country that has stated to the world that it will remain a net carbon sink in perpetuity.

A recipient of numerous environmental awards, Bhutan is blessed with abundant bounties of nature. It has over 800 known species of butterflies, yet another 800 species of birds, more than 5,00 species of orchids, and and 50 species of rhododendron alone. For a tiny country, it has more than 200 species of mammals not to mention other plants and animals that are yet to be discovered.

The whole country indeed is one big park. As a conscious policy, Bhutan has dedicated one-third of its area as national parks and biological corridors to benefit mankind as a whole.

Norter Adventures believes that there is so much the outside world can learn from Bhutan as far as environment is concerned. That is why we organise birding tours, butterfly tours, alpine flower tours, rhodendron tours, orchid tours, treks to national parks, etc. Let’s know what your personal choice is.

Nature Tour

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